Sunday, August 25, 2013

Bible/Character study of Jonah


God provided Jonah

1.A Fish to Swallow Jonah :

Purpose  : To take him away from his problem/fearful environment( sea) to the land.

Assumption: Jonah assumed it as

                a)  death trap(belly of the grave-2:2)

                b) Water all around him – a fearful situation, full of situations that would frighten us(2:3)

c) My head was tangled in seaweed; situations will not allow us to think. Seaweed is something not need yet grows so fast. It is like our head is full of confusions, negative thoughts, demotivating issues (2:5).

d) Gates were slamming shut (2:6). No way to come out, all ways closed.

2.A Vine to cool him off:

Purpose: To give shade to his head to cool him off


a)      Jonah did not understand that God provided him.

b)      He was happy but not thankful

3.A worm to chew off the vine:

Purpose: To chew off the vine


a)      Jonah still did not understand God’s hand in vine and a worm.

b)      He was angry for no reason.

4.A hot blistering wind:

Purpose: To make him feel the heat of sun


a)      He wanted to die rather than to live,using negative confessions(4:8)



Ways to come out of the sea to the shore (Jonah  Used)

1.       He remembered God through Prayer (2:7)

2.       Song of thanksgiving- worship(2:8)

3.       Commitment with God(he should have made vows/promises to keep)(2:9)

4.       He proclaimed and believed – Salvation is through the Lord(Only God can save him-Trust)



Good qualities of Jonah

1.       He knew about the Lord, he feared and believed in Him. He came to Ninevah the second time he heard His word. He knew about God’s compassion also

2.       He was daring, He wanted the sailors to throw him into the sea and he knows only then the wind will stop.


Bad qualities of Jonah

1.       He was not obedient w

2.       He was misusing God’s compassion and was running in another direction.

3.       Egoistic – he was thoughtful of other’s opinion if his prophesy did not come true

4.       He was compassionate as His Lord was. He wants God to destroy as He said earlier, not giving importance to salvation

5.       Should have had revenge taking mentality, he wants to die rather than to live.

6.       He was not steady in his feelings(4:!0)

7.       He used lot of negative wordings( he always wanted to die, but when inside the fish he wanted to live, not contented)

8.       He forgot his past life, when God asks him what right he has, he proudly says he has all rights.

9.       He forgot (Salvation comes from God as he mentioned while inside the belly of fish)(2:9), He forgot God can save the Ninevah people as well.

10.   Accusing God using his compassion